A blog by psychic medium Laura Powers that explores the light and the dark and psychic phenomenon. Laura shares tips on how to navigate through life and the realm of spirit.
Saturday, August 20, 2016
What Eclipses Mean and How to Handle Them
First of all, let’s go over eclipses and what they are. Eclipses are times of revealing and things set in motion during an eclipse have a deep impact for the next 6 months or more. They are powerful times for manifesting. Whatever happens and whatever we create during the eclipses has a large impact on the next several months and the future. Once I was writing about the upcoming eclipses for a newsletter and I knew exactly when they were coming. As a result of this, I very specifically set some clear intentions during the eclipse and a few hours later my plans for the week were deeply impacted by a cancellation with a friend while traveling. This then had a ripple effect as I met entirely new people and set a new course for myself. I feel strongly that this new course was set as a result of my intention setting during the eclipse.
Solar Eclipse
In an eclipse, the sun which represents of our conscious awareness gets blocked by the moon which represents what is hidden but true. In this case, the moon is literally eclipsing the sun and blocking out its light.
Lunar Eclipse
During a lunar eclipse (which always happen on full moons), the sun, the earth, and the moon align in a straight line. The earth is then between the moon and the sun. The earth’s shadow blocks the light from the sun hitting the moon and plunges the moon into darkness. Essentially during a lunar eclipse, the moon appears goes from a full moon to a new moon and back in terms of light and then back to full again. So in sense, the manifesting energy from a whole month happens in that very brief window of time.
Eclipses always bring about change and what may seem like chaos but there is an underlying order. In essence, a new moon eclipse is an uber new moon and a full moon eclipse is an uber full moon.
Upcoming Eclipses
We have two eclipses coming up. First will be a solar eclipse in Virgo followed by a lunar eclipse in the sign of Pisces. The eclipses in March were to stir up things up and get us to think about things we might not have while the September eclipses will firm things up for us bring clarity and movement. After the lunar eclipse on September 16, it will be easier to feel like you can move forward again. The last several months have been about identifying issues that need to be resolved and cleared and after this set of eclipses, it will be easier to move forward and you will have the clarity and be empowered to act with more confidence. One of the themes from this coming sets of eclipses that is coming up is turning the focus from other back to ourselves. If we fight this lesson, it will be harder for us in the long term. One of the benefits of these eclipses is that they bring things up for us for review and clearing so that we can manifest on a brighter, clearer level once they are cleared for us.
Eclipses Mark Endings and Beginnings
Though this can feel traumatic, it’s important to remember that if something is ending, there is good reason for it to do so and the same goes for the beginnings! There may be some things we let go of that are difficult but new things that come in that are even better. Let go of what is taken away and don’t fight it. Go with the flow and things will go much more easily for you. In particular, you might feel extra emotional during a full moon eclipse as you are purging and releasing old patterns, emotions, relationships, and situations which are not serving you on your path. You may feel you are on an emotional rollercoaster as you purge and release. When this happens, not that they will pass. Focus on your breath and ask your angels and guides to help you release all that is no longer serving you.
Fast Forward Evolution and Change
Eclipses also create change fast and may create situations which mean change that you thought was going to happen in years has to happen in weeks or at the moment. These unexpected circumstances area for your good but they can leave us reeling to try to keep up! Again don’t fight it, these things are for your evolution and your good.
Seeing People For Who They Are
Eclipses, particularly lunar eclipses may shine a light on people and show you a side that you hadn’t seen before and it may not be pretty. While it may be tempting to dismiss some of these things because they are magnified by the energies of the full moon, the quote by Maya Angelou resonates in this case, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them.”
Don’t Fight the Changes
We are often in resistance to what is for our good. If there is something coming up for release, there is a good reason for it! Thank the universe for the changes and the lessons and move on. You will have six months to shift and incorporate the changes before the next set of eclipses comes and asks you to shift and evolve yet again.
Onwards and upwards as we and the world are all works in progress.
The Benefits of Guided Meditation
Guided Meditation
Recently I have been getting so many messages about meditation that I finally just couldn’t ignore them and started meditating. I have tried meditating before and had a really hard time. I realized I was trying to do it on my own without a teacher. This often doesn’t go well when we are trying to learn something new. It was kind of like trying to teach yourself complex math with just a text book and no teacher (I should know; I have tried to do that before but that is another story). I have since discovered the benefits of guided meditation. In guided meditation you listen to someone who guides you through visualizations and relaxation techniques and for me this has made all the difference between failure and success. At some point I may be able to do meditation on my own without listening to an audio but for now, I am loving listening to them.
The Benefits of Meditation
There are so many benefits to meditation and if you want to improve your life dramatically in a whole host of ways then there is no reason you should not be practicing meditation.
We live is such a stress oriented, active society but often we are working so hard to try to create a good quality of life but that are stressed in body in mind which is not a good quality of life. Meditation can help give us the perspective, peace, and focus we need to change our life in dramatic ways. I love this quote about meditation, “Meditate for an hour every day unless you are too busy. In that case meditate for two hours.” If you are so busy you can’t find an hour (or ten minutes) meditating can help you refocus and figure out how to work better and smarter.
Here are a few benefits of meditation on health and wellness. The percentages are compared with non-meditators:
• More focus (10x)
• 75% less depression
• 30% less anxiety
• 65% more well-being
• 50% less disease
• Pain reduction
• Reduce alcohol and substance abuse
These statistics are from over 100 scientific papers on meditation. You can read more about this and download a free meditation guide here: http://liveanddare.com/benefits-of-meditation/
Practicing Meditation
There is a reason they call it practicing! Meditation is not easy at first but most people expect that it should be. It’s like any new kind of exercise program, its hard at first! And I really do think of this as an exercise program; it’s exercise for the mind. You wouldn’t expect to run a marathon without training so don’t expect yourself to be able to meditation easily without some practice first too. It sounds simple to sit and focus or not focus depending on how you look at it for a few minutes to an hour at a time, but it will feel hard at first and that’s ok. It’s called a practice for a reason because you do need to work at it. And there are many benefits from doing even if it seems like you are terrible at it at first. You may feel like you are doing anything but relaxing or emptying your mind or whatever. Do it anyway and after a period of time, your mind will quiet and you will feel peace.
Here are a few tips for successful meditation practice:
• Find a peaceful and quiet place where you can relax without distractions
• Get comfy (I like to lay down)
• Drink water so you are hydrated and not distracted before you start
• Have dim lighting or candle light to help your mind be less stimulated
• Listen to peaceful music or a guided meditation to help you start
• Don’t set expectations, just allow yourself to have the experience, whatever it needs to be
If you want to explore meditating, there are some great easy resources to do so. You can download my grounding and clearing audio meditation which helps you learn how to ground yourself and clear your energy field. There are also some great free guided meditations on Spotify’s Guided Meditation playlist. You can check that out for free here. Deepak Chopra has some great free ones as does Philip Permutt on that playlist so there is literally no reason not to try it.
So I know that meditating can seem daunting but there are so many benefits if you can work through any resistance you have to it. There are literally so many benefits to it, it is silly not to at least try it .
Monday, July 18, 2016
Acid Addiction, The Hidden Addiction
I was recently had a
huge realization that I have been addicted to acidic foods. For years I have
been shifting and releasing certain foods and cleaning up my diet. What I now
realize is that many of those foods and drinks had one thing in common and I
just now made the connection. Nearly everything I have given up because it was
making me sick has one thing in common; they are acidic. After doing a little
research, I realized this is an incredibly prevalent problem.
It all started when I
was realizing that I was having cravings for carbonated water. I no longer
drink caffeine, sugar or any sweeteners including fruit or vegetable juice so
that eliminates most fun things to drink. I started drinking carbonated water
assuming that is was a healthy option. I have been addicted to enough foods and
drinks to recognize my addictive pattern when it rises up. Anytime we crave
something, there is always an addictive component so I was surprised at how
strongly I was craving soda water. So I did a little research and learned
carbonated water is highly acidic. Since that is the only thing, aside from
perhaps some salt or minerals that differentiates it from regular water, I
started digging into the topic and did some research. What I learned shocked
me. I learned that not only is carbonated water acidic, it is highly acidic.
When I looked into what else is acidic, it turns out that some of the most
acidic foods and beverages were things I had already given up. Even though I
had noticeable digestive and systemic reactions to certain foods, they were
pretty much all also acidic. So I came to the realization that I have been an
acid addict and not the psychedelic kind but the kind that is in so many of our
foods and drinks. Since I consider myself to be a fairly educated person on
health, wellness, and nutrition, I decided that if I was didn't know about
this, a lot of other people probably didn't either so I decided to write this
to help educate people on the dangers of acidic food addiction and consumption.
Acidic Food Consumption
The symptoms of an
overconsumption of acidic foods and the resulting effect on the body (acidosis)
are universally bad. They include:
- insomnia
- weight gain
- muscle atrophy
- bone density loss
- demineralization
- acne
- nausea and/or vomiting
- illness and disease
- cancer
- fatigue
- drowsiness
- brain fog and cognitive decline
I don't know about you, but none of
those things are things that I want in my life. I had been feeling for some
time like I was not as vibrant as I should be given my health regimen, diet,
and lifestyle and when I pinpointed this issue, a lot of things suddenly made
I started drinking carbonated water
more after I gave up liquor as it was a sort of fun drink I could have at a bar
or restaurant that was not just plain water. I also started buying cans of La
Croix because they were convenient to take on the road and were not plastic
(which I try to avoid for numerous reasons).
One thing that struck me about this
realization is that when we have an addiction, the body and tries to satisfy it
in a new way if the original source has been taken away. For example, if you
are addicted to sugar, and you eliminate refined sugar from your diet, you may
suddenly crave starches, grains, or fruit which processes to sugar in the body.
So I was unknowingly falling into this trap when I gave up other acidic foods
and started to consume a lot of sparkling water.
Acidic Foods and Drinks to Avoid
Since I don't think many people
think about the acidic content of their foods, here is a highly acidic food and
drinks to avoid:
- dairy products
- bread and grain products
- most meat
- carbonated beverages
- alcohol
- peanuts
- caffeine
- table salt
- sugar and most sweeteners
- vinegar
- pickled foods
- canned or preserved foods
This list is basically a list of all
of the foods and drinks that I have loved, consumed in large quantities, and
then given up over the last several years. I just never made the connection
that they had something in common.
Other Contributors to an Acidic
There are other lifestyle choices
which will make your system more acidic and lead you to be less healthy. Here
is a list of those contributors:
- cigarettes and tobacco and nicotine
- stress
- carbon monoxide
- lack of sleep or poor quality sleep
- most drugs including aspirin and opioids
Now most of these things
are things we tend to recognize as being problematic health-wise. It is
interesting to note that many of these are also highly addictive behaviors or
substances individually so when you look at the acid correlation, it makes
How to Reverse Acidosis
To reverse an overly
acidic system (acidosis), there are several simple things you can do to regain
your health. Most are simple changes and others simply require refocusing.
To alkalize your system, you can do the following:
- eliminate acidic food and drink from your diet
- ensure you have good sleep and sleep hygiene
- release stressful habits, patterns, and situations
- take small amounts of sodium bicarbonate (baking soday) daily
- drink lots of fresh, pure water (add fresh lemon if desired)
Please note that I
highly recommend seeking the advice, guidance, and monitoring of a health
professional or nutritionist to advise you.
I decided to write about
this on my spiritual blog because if we aren’t doing well physically, we cannot
do well spiritually. Eating an acidic diet causes brain problems and since our
brain is like command central so for our bodies so if that isn’t doing well, we
are not likely to be spiritually centered as well.
It came as a shock to me
that almost all of the foods I was eating were acidic and causing a whole host
of problems for me. No wonder even though I was eating organic food, I wasn’t
feeling my best. I was eating a diet that was acidic without realizing and I
think a lot of people do that same. I hope this information helps you! Best of
luck on your health journey!
You can read more about Laura Powers and her health and spiritual journey and tips on her website, www.healingpowers.net.
Monday, May 16, 2016
Channeled Messages from Archangel Jophiel and Azrael
Recently I have been getting guided to share messages from the angels and ascended masters on my facebook. Since not everyone is my facebook friend, I decided to share some of the messages here. These messages and many more will be in my forthcoming book on Archangels and Ascended Masters, coming later this year!
Here is a message from Archangel Azrael:
So many of you fight the release of what is best for you. If you are being asked to release it is because there is a benefit and a relief for you to do to. It is difficult because society tells you to be in fear and to hold on but if you can truly let go, the freedom and elation can be ecstatic. If you are in fear about a transition or about releasing something you have to release, call on me to help comfort you and to see the light. I am here for all of you. There is no need to fear the unknown and even death is not truly unknown as you have all been on the other side before. Fear is our greatest adversary but rather that try to fight or push it away, allow it to move through you and you will release then that the fear is not you. Notice the fear and allow it to pass. So many allow fear to take up residence in our hearts and minds but we do not have to allow this to happen. It is possible to refrain from judgement of fear but also not to let it reside in your house and your mind. Allow fear to do what fear does, but let fear pass. Fear is never meant to live in one place for long. Only by learning to let fear pass, can we find our peace. Remember that if you are struggling with fear, I am here for you. Simply invite me to you and I am there.
Here is a message from Jophiel:
Be easy on yourself. It is easy to push and get frustrated. Too often, humans are making progress and good things are happening but they get frustrated because they feel things should be happening faster. By doing this they are not focusing with love and gratitude on the things that should be happening faster. There is no need to force or push things to happen. You are loved and supported. Ask us to help you ease your burdens. Enjoy life, enjoy the little things. Dream big and believe that the wonderful thing you envision can come into being. The angels love you very much!
Blessings to all of you!
Here is a message from Archangel Azrael:
So many of you fight the release of what is best for you. If you are being asked to release it is because there is a benefit and a relief for you to do to. It is difficult because society tells you to be in fear and to hold on but if you can truly let go, the freedom and elation can be ecstatic. If you are in fear about a transition or about releasing something you have to release, call on me to help comfort you and to see the light. I am here for all of you. There is no need to fear the unknown and even death is not truly unknown as you have all been on the other side before. Fear is our greatest adversary but rather that try to fight or push it away, allow it to move through you and you will release then that the fear is not you. Notice the fear and allow it to pass. So many allow fear to take up residence in our hearts and minds but we do not have to allow this to happen. It is possible to refrain from judgement of fear but also not to let it reside in your house and your mind. Allow fear to do what fear does, but let fear pass. Fear is never meant to live in one place for long. Only by learning to let fear pass, can we find our peace. Remember that if you are struggling with fear, I am here for you. Simply invite me to you and I am there.
Be easy on yourself. It is easy to push and get frustrated. Too often, humans are making progress and good things are happening but they get frustrated because they feel things should be happening faster. By doing this they are not focusing with love and gratitude on the things that should be happening faster. There is no need to force or push things to happen. You are loved and supported. Ask us to help you ease your burdens. Enjoy life, enjoy the little things. Dream big and believe that the wonderful thing you envision can come into being. The angels love you very much!
Blessings to all of you!
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Channeled Message from Wayne Dyer
Hello, I am so pleased to talk with you all today. First of all, I want you all to know that I am doing great. I am excited to be here on the other side and excited that I can talk with you all this way. It was time for me to leave the earthly plane but that does not mean that my work is done. To the contrary actually because I feel my work is just beginning. I am going to be talking through channels like Laura and continuing to work as a mentor and guide to many of you who are doing the same kind of work that I did. In a way, the work that I did was just the beginning. I am so honored and happy to have helped prepare the way for so many of you and I want to encourage you who are reading and listening to this to work on your soul missions. There is really nothing more important.
There is a great need for knowledge and those who can teach it to others! If you feel the call to do this, know that it is not an accident. Do not get caught in the ego trap of believing that you are not capable or worthy. You are both! You can call on me if you feel you need support (or your other guides).
You are living in an exciting time. Many old systems are going to be crashing down right now and it might seem traumatic but its for the good. There is a lot of corruption in the system just as there was in Rome and many other great cities where power and greed corrupted the leadership. When these old systems fall, know that it is so that better systems can come into place. If things are challenging or you are fearful, know that everything will turn out alright in the end. Do not get caught up in fear or inaction. Each of you has the power to change the world. The time is now, do not hesitate. Get to work! It might mean reading a book on a topic that will help you teach and learn, to take a class, to start speaking with your friends about spirituality, energy, or healing. Follow what feels right for you but take action and know that you are supported in doing so.
I'll be here helping you from the other side and so will your angels and spirit guides. I'll be talking with you soon and giving you guidance and support. Pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, intuition, and messages from the universe. Ha ha now get to work! And thanks for all your work, it is appreciated and will be rewarded.
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